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Broward’s Heart Gallery Leads Family to Adopt Teen Brothers

June 12th, 2012   No Comments   Adoption, Advocacy

The photo exhibit called The Heart Gallery of Broward County showcases foster children searching for permanent homes. Created in 2008, the exhibit travels the county – from churches to hospital and malls – revealing the lives of foster kids.

For brothers Tyler and Kyle, one poignant photograph of the blue-eyed brothers brought them to their new family, the Miami Herald reported.

“Since becoming wards of the state’s welfare system five years ago, Tyler and Kyle have each lived in four foster homes. Twice they were separated,” the paper reported.

“’I saw things no kid should see,” 14-year-old Kyle said Monday, as he and Tyler, 16, became the 100th and 101st adoptions made possible by the Heart Gallery of Broward County. “Now I’m going to be with an actual family.”

Read the entire story here.

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