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Child Advocate Attorney Wins Lawyers for Children America Award

May 7th, 2010   No Comments   Advocacy, News & Events

Florida Foster Child Advocacy Attorney Howard Talenfeld Receives the Lawyers for Children America Award.

Talenfeld received the 2010 Policy Advocate Award Friday at the 11th Annual John Edward Smith Child Advocacy Awards at a Miami luncheon.

Howard Talenfeld

Howard Talenfeld

The award was given in honor of Talenfeld’s work in founding Florida’s Children First, a statewide advocacy organization, in 2002. The award also recognizes his work at Chair of the Florida Bar Legal Needs of Children Committee this year. During his tenure, Talenfeld has fought to ensure legal representation for dependent children.

The event honors South Florida lawyers, law firms, and other advocates who have donated their time, talent, and resources to assisting abused, neglected, and abandoned children.

The keynote luncheon speaker was George H. Sheldon, secretary of the Florida Department of Children and Families. Sheldon was presented with the Children’s Champion Award.

Other winners include the LFCA Pro Bono Award honorees James T. Armstrong, Jennifer Stearns Buttrick, Richard J. Caldwell, Jami Lee Gursky, David M. Rogero, and Angela C. Vigil.

The Philanthropy Award was presented to the firm of Kozyak, Tropin & Throckmorton; and the Youth Advocate Award was presented to Kimberly Foster, a former foster youth and youth leader.

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