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Child Advocates Beam as Florida Gov. Rick Scott Signs Foster Care ‘Normalcy’ Bill

April 12th, 2013   No Comments   Advocacy

In a move a long time in the making, on Thursday morning, Gov. Rick Scott signed the “Normalcy” Bill (SB 164/HB 215) at the official bill signing ceremony. He was joined by 25 members of Florida Youth SHINE (FYS), a youth advocacy organization comprised of children and young adults in foster care or who have aged out of Florida’s foster care system. Florida’s Children First (FCF ) Executive Director Christina Spudeas also was in attendance.

The “Normalcy” bill will help eliminate some restrictions and reporting requirements that prevent foster children from enjoying normal activities like other kids, such as playing school sports, traveling with a youth group, or sleepovers with friends without fingerprinting and background checks.

Read the Miami Herald article on the “Normalcy” bill signing.

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