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Child Welfare Judge Likens Naked, Emaciated Boy, 9, to Concentration Camp Survivor

January 31st, 2012   No Comments   Abuse, Court Cases

It was a horror to see – even to any veteran child advocate, childen’s rights lawyer, foster care professional or Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Cindy Lederman – all people accustomed to seeing the abuse, personal injury and the scars of mistreated children. When the 9-year-old boy showed up in her courtroom, the judge likened the emaciated child to a concentration camp survivor.

His uncle said he was unaware of the boy’s condition. A photograph revealed a child so emaciated that his eyes bulged and his bones protruded from his skin. According to the Sun-Sentinel, the boy was “found wandering his North Miami Beach neighborhood Saturday — beaten, naked and starving.

“His parents, Marsee Strong, 34, and Edward Bailey, 40, remain at the Miami-Dade County Jail on charges of aggravated child abuse and neglect on $65,000 bail.” Read the entire story here.

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