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Did ‘Monster’ Who Stabbed Kids Reveal Flaws in Florida Department of Children and Families Process?

It’s a horrible case of child abuse, rape, personal injury and living a life of fear. William DeJesus’ youngest son called him the “Monster” that lurked beneath his bed — more than two years after workers with the Florida Department of Children and Families returned DeJesus’ two sons to his care. This, after the parent had been accused of molesting them. Now, the dad is dead of suicide after stabbing one boy to death and leaving a knife stuck in the other’s head.

DeJesus had been accused of beating, stabbing and raping the boy’s mother, who, in turn once told authorities the couple had repeatedly molested the boy and his older brother, the Miami Herald reported in February.

Now, Broward Sheriff’s detectives and child welfare advocates are left to investigate the pieces in an attempt to discern whether another horrible tragedy could have been avoided.

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