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Florida Adoption of Foster Children a ‘Chance at Redemption’

November 12th, 2010   No Comments   Adoption, Advocacy

For foster children and hopeful parents, adoption is redemption and a chance at a new life for children – and adoptive parents. At a recent Miami event as part of Carla’s National Adoption Day, 50 children were given new, permanent homes.

For the children, the adoption was among 50 that took place at the Miami Children’s Museum as part of Carla’s National Adoption Day. The event was renamed in memory of Miami child advocate Carla Merhige, who was killed last year by her mentally ill brother, according to the Miami Herald. The national event is intended to raise awareness of the 129,000 children in foster care nationwide awaiting permanent homes.

“Adoption is not just about taking care of a child until they turn 18. Adoption is forever,” said DCF Secretary George Sheldon to the families before their adoptions were finalized. Read the entire story here.

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