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Florida DCF to Seek Budget Boost After Abuse, Death of Nubia Barahona

The abuse, torture and murder of Nubia Barahona, and the critical injuries and personal injury suffered by her twin brother, Victor, in West Palm Beach in February have the Florida Department of Children and Families seeking budget increases from state lawmakers to bolster child-protective investigations.

Although such action is commendable, the cutting of the budget to eliminate Quality Assurance workers and DCF’s lack of emphasis on the quality of case work is concerning. This reduces department oversight capabilities of their lead agencies and providers.

Nubia Barahona was found decomposing in the bed of her adoptive father’s pick-up truck three days after she’d been killed. Victor was in the passenger seat in critical condition. Both had been bound and brutalized – even as state investigators were outside the family home being misled by their adoptive mother, Carmen Barahona. Now, both Carmen and husband Jorge Barahona face first-degree murder charges.

According to Flagler Live, “A DCF budget proposal submitted this week seeks tens of millions of dollars to add and retain child-protective investigators, improve technology and better coordinate efforts with local law enforcement…The budget documents outline problems with high turnover among investigators, large caseloads and low pay.”

Read the entire story here.

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