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Florida Department of Children and Families: Casey Anthony’s ‘Failure to Protect’ Contributed to Caylee’s Death

August 11th, 2011   No Comments   Abuse, Court Cases, News & Events

After a nearly three-year investigation and a comprehensive review of Caylee Anthony’s death, officials from the Florida Department of Children and Families have concluded that her death was caused, in part, by Casey Anthony’s “failure to protect” her young daughter.

Casey Anthony was acquitted in July by an Orlando, Florida, jury of murdering Caylee. In its report, DCF officials wrote, “It is the conclusion of the Department of Children and Families that [Casey Anthony] failed to protect her child from harm either through her actions or lack of actions, which tragically resulted in the child’s untimely death.”

“The nearly three-year Investigation verified three allegations classified as ‘maltreatments,’ including death, failure to protect and threatened harm,” the Orlando Sentinel reported. Read more here.

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