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Florida Department of Children and Families Sued for Disabled Child’s Death in ‘Warehousing’ Practice

November 15th, 2013   No Comments   Abuse, Court Cases

In a case attorneys for Florida foster children and other medically at-risk youth have watched closely, Florida Department of Children and Families was sued this week when a girl died following a move from her Tampa home to a geriatric facility in Miami Gardens. Though the former practice of “warehousing” medically fragile children has been reduced or resolved, attentive care for medically needy kids remains an issue.

Florida Child Advocate covered the original story and editorials about it back in November 2012. Now, the mother of the teenage girl from Tampa who died being taken from her mother under DCF orders and driven five hours to a Miami Gardens geriatric or senior nursing home has sued DCF and its agencies for the girl’s death. Read the news story here. 

According to the Miami Herald, the woman’s daughter, “…who suffered from seizures and severe cerebral palsy, was taken by state child protection investigators in March 2011 from her mother after the state said [the mother] Doris Freyre could not care for her because of her own disabilities.”

The mother disagreed, stating she had been caring for the girl. The Herald reported an attorney for Ms. Freyre filed the 34-page federal complaint in Tampa’s district court.

DCF claims warehousing has stopped. Sadly, ramifications from its previous practice still haunt the state – and families – like a ghost.

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