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Florida’s Children First to Host Jacksonville Awards & Reception

Florida’s Children First, the state’s advocacy organization for foster kids and those at risk of child abuse, sexual abuse, and personal injury, will hold its Northeast Florida / Jacksonville Child Advocacy Awards & Reception. Attended by attorneys, lawmakers and business leaders, the event will be held on Thursday, November 12th, 2015, from 5:30 pm- 7:30pm, at The Haskell Building (111 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, 34236). Register here. Learn more by downloading the flyer.

At Florida’s Children First, we believe that all children have the right to food, clothing, housing, education, medical care, property and personal privacy. Most children have parents who take care of their needs and protect their rights. But thousands of children in Florida rely on state agencies to meet some or all of their needs. FCF exists to protect the rights of those children.

FCF works to improve the government and private systems that exist to serve children. We do this in several ways: Executive Branch Advocacy, Legal Advocacy, Legislative Advocacy, Procedural Rule Advocacy, Support for Former Foster Youth, Training and Support of Attorneys.

Founded by the state’s leading foster child advocacy attorney, Florida’s Children First, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the rights of at-risk children and youth; the organization seeks full representation of children and youth and meaningful and sustainable improvement in Florida’s child-serving systems using a range of strategies including public policy development, on-going training and technical assistance, and where necessary, strategic litigation.

This year’s Northeast Host Committee includes Co-Chairs John Jacob Schickel and Bruce Maxwell, as well as hosts Mary K. Brennan, Jay Howell, Seth Shapiro, Connie Byrd, Rich Komando, Charlene Shirk, , Joseph Camerlengo, Eric Leach, Justin Taylor, Wayne Hogan, Alex Seda, Courtney Walters, Rebekah G. Hope, Jodi Seitlin, and Jesse Wilson. Statewide sponsors include The Florida Bar Foundation, the State Farm Youth Advisory Board, the Shane McGee Foundation, the Paul Palank Memorial Foundation, and Joan and Henry Karp.

The suggested contribution is $100. Register here. Learn more by downloading the flyer.


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