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Fort Lauderdale Child Abuse Attorney Discusses Fixing Foster Care System

October 11th, 2015   No Comments   Advocacy, JusticeForKids.us

Howard Talenfeld, the leading child advocacy attorney who fights for the rights of children who suffer sexual abuse, child abuse, and other harm and personal injury, recently was interviewed on Viewpoints Radio regarding changes to Florida’s child welfare system. In a tweet, Viewpoints posted:  talks about how we can improve and strengthen the system .

Discussing the topic, Foster Care: How Can We Make the System Better for All?,” the discussion explored, “When a child is placed in foster care, she’s already been through the traumatic experience of being removed from her family’s care, and now faces an uncertain future in a new home – sometimes worse than the one she left. We discuss the successes and failures of the system and hear about what can be done to strengthen it so that children receive the best care available, foster families get the support they need to help a child with the transition, and caseworkers receive the support they need to do their jobs.”

Host Gary Price spoke with Talenfeld, President of Florida’s Children First, the state’s leading child advocacy organization; Christina Spudeas, Executive Director of Florida’s Children First; and Ashley Rhodes-Courter, former foster child and now a foster mother, author of the book Three More Words.

Click this link to listen to the interview.

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