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Guest Column: Florida Foster Kids Just Want ‘Normalcy’

April 5th, 2013   No Comments   Advocacy

Gloria Fletcher is an advocate and lawyer representing the state’s foster children and at-risk kids. So she – like so many other child advocacy attorneys and advocates – was keenly interested in the new laws passed by the Florida legislature. Read her Letter to the Editor of the Miami Herald here.

Normal. For Florida kids in foster care — and the foster parents, guardians and attorneys who advocate for their lives and futures — the word “normal” was not in their vocabulary.

They have little access to normal healthcare channels, like other kids do. They often get shuttled from one school to the next when they change foster homes. School field trips, play dates and sleepovers require approval from case managers at best or, at worst, fingerprints and background checks.

Read the rest of the letter here.

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