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News Release: Governor Crist Announces More than 12,000 Adoptions of Foster Children Since 2007

August 4th, 2010   No Comments   Foster Care, News & Events

TALLAHASSEE – Governor Charlie Crist today announced that more than 12,000 Florida children in foster care have been adopted since 2007, including 3,368 children adopted in the past year. Florida’s recent success reduces the number of Florida children in foster care by nearly 36 percent since 2007.

“Florida has been recognized as the best in the nation at increasing adoptions because we believe the children in our care should have the best opportunity possible to be matched with a loving family,” said Governor Crist. “Our adoption successes are possible because Floridians are looking into their hearts and finding room for the teenagers, sibling groups and children with medical needs who typically wait longer to be adopted.”

In 2009, Florida was awarded a $9.7 million federal bonus for outpacing all other states in the number of adoptions of children from foster care. Florida set adoption records adoptions in fiscal year 2007-08 with 3,674, and in fiscal year 2008-09, with 3,777.

Read the entire story here

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