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Palm Beach Post Commentary: Private Child Welfare Providers Must Carry Adequate Insurance

March 8th, 2011   No Comments   Abuse, Adoption, Advocacy


How dare they? As The Post’s Pat Beall reported Friday, Florida’s privatized child welfare companies want to limit their liability and accountability by asking the Legislature to let them off the hook for having to pay for kids who are badly injured while in their care.

These companies should be cringing, knowing that their bill came out in the midst of a public investigation into the Barahona case in Miami-Dade County, one of the most horrific child-abuse cases involving foster care our state has ever seen. This bill should be called the Barahona Child Abuse Enabling Act.

Spudeas is Executive Director of Florida’s Children First, the leading statewide child advocacy group. Read her entire Letter to the Editor here.

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