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State DCF Pays Record $5 million in Damage Case to Six Kids Molested in Foster Care

May 17th, 2002   No Comments   Damage Claims

· The Miami Herald –– May 17, 2002 — “DCF to pay $5 million to six kids in Broward.” This article references a $5 million settlement paid by the state to six Broward County children — the highest amount paid to date, and the role persistent critic and attorney Howard Talenfeld played in the case.

· South Florida Sun-Sentinel –– May 17, 2002 — “DCF to pay $5 million in siblings’ abuse case” Colodny, Fass, Talenfeld, Karlinsky & Abate Shareholder Howard Talenfeld, who sued the DCF on behalf of the children was featured in this article about the $5 million suit.

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