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Twins Nubia, Victor Barahona Foretold of Mortal Fears Before Adoption

The tale of adopted Miami twins Nubia and Victor Barahona grows more distressing with day’s news and revelations. A panel investigating the child-abuse death of Nubia and serious injuries on twin brother Victor learned that the two had told a psychologist of their fears of death or injury.

According to the Miami Herald, in the months before a Miami-Dade judge approved their adoption by longtime foster parents, the 7-year-old twin siblings told a child psychologist they sometimes had thoughts of killing themselves.

Nubia also confided that she wished she had more friends. And that she was “sure that terrible things are going to happen to her,” the Herald reported.  Despite their fears, the judge approved their adoption in May 2009.

In time, the children’s worst — and professed — fears came true. Read the entire story here.

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