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Florida Columnist Asks: Who Remembers the Ghosts of Abused Kids?

In the aftermath of the tragic death of Miami adopted 10-year-old Nubia Barahona and the critical injuries to her brother, Victor — and questions raised for the Florida Department of Children and Families, Miami Herald columnist Fred Grimm asks the compelling question: Who Remembers Ghosts of Abused Kids?

Grimm writes… Nothing’s so ephemeral as the community anger over the cruel life and grisly death of Nubia Barahona. The ghosts of too many other foster kids can testify that the uproar over mistreated and murdered children is as fleeting as smoke. Reports will be forgotten. Reforms will be inadequate. Budgets for the care of foster children will shrink. Caseworkers will be overwhelmed. Bureaucracies will flounder. And Florida will surely suffer outrage next year. Or the year after.

Little Nubia, 10, will simply fade from public consciousness, just another kid saved by the state from a drug-addled, wreck of a mother only to be deposited into circumstances that led to abuse, misery, neglect and an unspeakable death. Read the entire column here.

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