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Complaint: Carlton Palms Halfway House & School for Severely Disabled a Home For Child Abuse, Beatings

October 27th, 2012   No Comments   Abuse, Court Cases

Child advocates and attorneys are alarmed that Carlton Palms Education Center, a halfway house and school for severely disabled people in Lake County, Florida, was accused in a complaint filed by state officials alleging that residents were being choked, beaten and dragged across the floor.

The state is petitioning the court to prevent Carlton Palms from accepting new patients. Worries exist over the possible extent of personal injury, physical abuse and other harm coming to the residents. Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities’ records reveal that since 2010, at least eight cases of confirmed abuse have been reported. “At least three of those cases this year led to felony arrests,” reported the Orlando Sentinel.

The paper continued, “Law-enforcement reports, as well as complaints filed by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, tell of disabled people who were bruised and battered by employees.”

Read the entire story here.

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