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News Report: New Records Released in Case of Jacksonville Foster Parent Licensed Despite Abusive Past

June 9th, 2011   No Comments   Abuse, Advocacy

New records released by the state revealed that a background check on a caregiver licensed to operate a day care center by the Florida Department of Children and Families failed to show her abusive past. Yet, attorneys and child care advocates are watching carefully as the DCF refuses to provide more details because of a pending damage lawsuit.

According to FirstCoastNews, “DCF gave Annette Smith a license to operate a day care in 2001 and one to be a foster parent in 2004. But Smith was convicted of child abuse in 1991, which according to DCF’s foster care checklist is a disqualifier.”

Family Support Services (FSS), the agency hired by DCF to monitor Smith, “noted Smith’s abusive past in 2006 when she was arrested and later convicted of abusing a foster child,” the publication noted

The documents released by DCF are partially redacted, the news organization reported. A background check performed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement revealed only DUI arrests and convictions in 1992 and 1993. DUI is not a disqualifier for foster parenting or child care. Read the entire story here.

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