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Crist Signing Supports Florida Foster Kids in Education, Healthcare

June 2nd, 2009   No Comments   Foster Care, News & Events
Child advocate attorney Howard Talenfeld greets Florida Gov. Charlie Crist at the historic signing ceremony.

Child advocate attorney Howard Talenfeld greets Florida Gov. Charlie Crist at the historic signing ceremony.

Florida’s foster children have a friend in Governor Charlie Crist.

With child advocate lawyers and other activists looking on, the governor in May signed legislation designed to help foster children statewide.

At a signing ceremony at the Children’s Services Council in Fort Lauderdale, Crist signed into law bills to help grant foster kids access to records for medical and educational needs.

The legislation benefits children in foster care as well as young people leaving foster care. The move “provides children in foster care better access to their own personal records often needed for medical and educational purposes.  Senate Bill 1128 ensures that disabled homeless children and children in foster care receive appropriate educational services,” wrote Foster News Folly.

The bills can be credited, in part, to members of Florida Youth Shine, a statewide advocacy group that specializes in foster care and child welfare issues. “You’re great advocates, you truly are,” Crist said.